Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gamelan Sekar Jaya and Burat Wangi at Pomona College

Gamelan Sekar Jaya and Gamelan Burat Wangi both performed at Pomona college this evening.
One of the evening's highlights was the Topeng Arsa Wijaya,  I Nyoman Wenten danced as Gamelan Sekar Jaya performed the music.

Photos by Ted Soqui © 2015
Dewa Ayu Dewi Larassanti.

I Nyoman Wenten.

Dewa Ayu Dewi Larassanti and I Made Moja.

I Nyoman Wenten.

Weny Michelstein, Nancy Astuti Susatyo, Gek Arini, and Niken Sekar Dewani.

Sekar Jaya dancers.