Derrick Burts, a 24 year old porn actor know better as "patient zeta" in the porn acting world, spoke to the media about his ordeals in the world of porn and contracting HIV.
Derrick acted in both gay and strait porn often without condoms, not knowing of state and federal laws that now requires porn actors to wear them. Derrick said no one even mentioned that he had a choice to wear one, and believes he contracted HIV along with many other STD's while working with a HIV infected gay porn actor.
He also spoke bout his frustration with the porn world's testing lab, Adult Industry Medical (AIM), often not returning his calls and telling him about his HIV status in a timely fashion, or offering him any treatment for HIV.
AIM's office was shut down today by L.A. County health officials, and denied their application to work as a community heath clinic.
Aids Heathcare Foundation (AHF) is now treating Derrick, and is calling for mandatory condom use on all porn shoots as the law calls for.
Photos and footage by Ted Soqui © 2010