25 members of the National Socialist Movement, a neo-nazi white supremacist group, held a rally on the south steps of L.A.'s city hall. They used a high powered PA system to broadcast their messages of white supremacy to a giant counter protest group.
As the NSM members left, they were confronted by the counter protesters who threw rocks and bottles at them.
The NSM claimed the swastika as their holy symbol and called for all non-whites to leave the U.S.A
They also called out L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, MS13, and the Bloods and Crips to challenge them. They also used the Mexican flag and flag of Israel to wipe their boots with.
One man, who had a swastika and SS tattoos, was severely beaten by the angry counter protesters.
Footage by Ted Soqui © 2010
Photos by Ted Soqui © 2010